Consolidate agents

Streamline your agent infrastructure to decrease complexity and cost, streamline operations, and give control back to your team.

The Challenge

Navigate the data deluge

Tool sprawl, siloed decision-making, and rigid vendor-specific solutions have resulted in environments filled with a myriad of legacy agents. Not only are these forwarders and aggregators outdated and frustrating to use, but they are often owned by different teams (yet doing similar data collection on the same hosts). Redundant, inflexible proprietary systems are increasing costs, complexity, and attack surfaces.


Gain total control with Cribl Edge

A flexible, vendor-neutral agent to unify your endpoint data collection.


Say adios to duplicative data collection

Why do you need to manage multiple agents when they are gathering the same data? We changed the rules so you don’t! Collect your data once, transform it, and send it to everywhere it needs to go. Good bye countless vendor-specific agents!


Give control back to your team

Reduce your MTTR and your blood pressure! Break down those silos and take back the reins when you don’t need to wait on a different team to make changes and need an expert for every agent. One agent to rule them all (or just some, you choose)!


Reduce risk

More agents, more problems! Get rid of any redundant infrastructure to streamline monitoring and troubleshooting while enjoying quick upgrades to easily keep your agents secure and up-to-date. Bonus: you're lowering your resource consumption and footprint on hosts too.


Make things simple

Decrease complexity associated with multiple agents on hosts from config errors to increased latency. In addition, enjoy the ease of a modern agent with a rich user interface for quick changes and upgrades.

Customer success story

Cribl Edge for the win

"After we experienced challenges with our Beats agents we started testing Edge. The results were exactly as expected, We are so happy with what Edge has been able to do for us."

- Senior Cybersecurity Engineer, Levi’s

Levi's Customer Success SVG


Cribl works with any vendor, so you can too.

Get logs, metrics, and traces from any source to any destination. Cribl consistently adds new integrations so you can continue to route your data to and from even more sources and destinations in your toolkit. Check out our integrations page for the complete list.


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Cribl Edge


Cribl Edge