Employee Resource Groups are a new part of Cribl in 2022, and we’re excited about their growth to ensure employees feel connected, empowered, and have a voice. In a remote-first culture, getting “siloed” behind your computer screen can happen unintentionally, and we want to avoid that. So ERGs are one of the plans we’re implementing to build relationships across different departments. If you want to learn more about our ERG strategy, check out this past episode of The Stream Life – Cribl’s podcast.
During the initial rollout of our ERG groups, some women on Cribl’s leadership staff began talking them up internally, which piqued my interest. Cribl’s on a rapid ascent to help companies worldwide unlock the value of their observability data. We’re aiming to become a generational company. To do that, we can’t run the same playbook as most other companies do today and have done in the past.
We want Cribl to be a place where every race and gender has equal opportunities to succeed. With that in mind, I’ve joined the Women of Cribl employee resource group as an ally. After sitting in a few early sessions to get more familiar with our ERG program, I realized that some of the top-performing people I’ve worked alongside in my career have been women. To attract the best quality candidates to Cribl, I need to make sure we’re a great place to work for everyone. If we hire from only a single silo, we’ll miss the opportunities to learn better ways to do things from people with different perspectives and experiences.
I am the dad of two daughters (5 & 8) and a brother of two sisters, and I wasn’t aware of the challenges women often have in the workplace. I want my daughters to have every opportunity that I have had in my career. So, I initially visited a couple of the Women of Cribl ERG meetings to learn and listen. After the meeting, I heard from some of the women on our team about how much they appreciated me joining the calls. If I could make an impact with just my appearance, I could do a lot more for the cause if I put more than just my time – but my effort and resources.
As we went through the discussions and meetings, some of the challenges women face in the workplace really hit home. One of the initial discussions centered around empowering female employees when situations around salary negotiations, performance reviews, and promotion discussions. Our ERG wants to train our female leaders as well as give them the confidence to grow their careers.
Recruit and Retain
As someone in a leadership role at Cribl, I see it as a critical part of my job to grow the leadership pipeline. The more diverse our leadership team is, the better our company will be. Will every employee spend their entire career with Cribl? No, but even if they don’t, I want them to look back at their time at Cribl as a place where they were challenged and had the opportunity to grow their talents to prepare them for future opportunities – whether that’s at Cribl or somewhere else.
When I came to Cribl, one of my goals was to develop a diverse team. We can’t solve every problem for everyone, but we want to build a team where women have the same opportunity as men. Recruiting talented people isn’t enough, though. We must build a culture to retain talented people as well. As part of my time in our Women of Cribl ERG, I am focused on ensuring Cribl is an excellent place for women employees to thrive. These meetings have done wonders for opening my eyes to a new point of view. As a result, I’ve become a better leader and built better working relationships with our female employees. As an Ally, I want to ensure women have the support, opportunities, and confidence I hope my daughters will have one day. If this culture sounds like one you’d like to join, please check out our careers page!