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Public Sector

Keep eyes on your mission with security at your back

Cribl helps the public sector scale with data growth and increasing cyber threats,
while dealing with flat or shrinking budgets.
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Defend data at mission speeds

Cribl’s suite of products brings the power of an observability pipeline to the public sector, enabling you to accelerate compliance, streamline threat investigations, and control log ingestion costs.

Finality helps US Federal agencies meet their log management obligations

Finality, an IT and Security services consulting firm, helps US Federal agencies meet their log management obligations. When requirements and volume exceed available funding, licensing, and staffing resources, Finality helps agencies find ways to solve these issues.


Public Sector

Control your data and focus on what matters

Route data where it has the most value. Maintain full fidelity data in inexpensive object storage; replay it any time for future analysis. Mask and control access to sensitive data.

Meet mandate requirements and milestones

Swiftly address current mandate requirements (M-21-31 on logging and data retention; M-22-09 on Zero Trust architecture) and gain the flexibility to comply with future executive orders.

Better data means better decisions

Enrich and normalize telemetry data. Greater context saves time and gives deeper, more actionable responses from your security and observability tools.

Optimize your SIEM

Want to make sure your data is properly indexed before it goes to your analytics tools? Cribl helps you maximize your current security and IT tooling without vendor lock-in.

Customer Success Story

Federal Law Enforcement Agency

Having the flexibility to pivot destinations based on the type of data is really powerful. We’re able to give the analysts and the users of these tools a much easier experience and save them valuable time.

reduction in daily 
EDR data
(from 9.25TB to 5TB)
0 %





Get logs, metrics, and traces from any source to any destination. Cribl consistently adds new integrations so you can continue to route your data to and from even more sources and destinations in your toolkit. Check out our integrations page for the complete list.

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