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Media and Entertainment

Get the full, breathtaking picture of your digital landscape

Cribl helps communications and media organizations streamline data for analytics to navigate shifts in consumption and accelerate digital transformation.

Show users you care with data-driven experiences

Facing exploding amounts of data and shifting digital consumption habits, coupled with cyber-attacks threatening national infrastructure and complex streaming platforms, media and entertainment organizations need a firm grasp on data to stay ahead of user demands.

Cribl’s suite of products gives the communications and media sector the ability to streamline observability monitoring environments across digital platforms and services into a single interface, giving you back control over your data, no matter how fast it grows.

Customer Success Story

Vodafone Onboards New Data with Ease and Control

This solution gives you visibility right away, instead of having to do something complicated. It’s easy to have it up and running. It’s the only solution that lets you implement observability quickly and easily.


Media and Entertainment

Route data to the most cost-effective destination

Send only data of interest to the best tool for the job – or all the tools for the job – by translating and formatting data into any tooling schemas you need. Stay in compliance and optimize costs by keeping a full-fidelity copy in any preferred data lake.

Protect your customers with powerful security insights

Filter out low value data from any of your existing security tools, then enrich the relevant data with masking, encryption, and access controls to keep data protected while gaining actionable insights on system health and user activity.

Drive visibility across multiple platforms

Capture live data across your multiple streaming and services platforms in real time via a single hub gaining visibility of infrastructure and security business decisions as your data scales.

Meet regulatory requirements

Meet compliance requirements by being able to choose the most cost-efficient storage for your data. Easily mask and encrypt customer data. Plus, be able to search for isolated incidents as they arrive.

Media and Entertainment




Get logs, metrics, and traces from any source to any destination. Cribl consistently adds new integrations so you can continue to route your data to and from even more sources and destinations in your toolkit. Check out our integrations page for the complete list.

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