Large enterprises have long had the need to have secure, segregated instances that they can operate independently within their cloud deployments. Whether you need to segregate your data inter departmentally (ITOps vs. Security), meet varying compliance needs for regional divisions, or simply have different development and production environments, we are excited to share in our 4.6 release, we have unlocked the power of multi-tenancy for you with one of our most anticipated Cribl.Cloud Enterprise features – Workspaces!
What is a Workspace?
Workspaces is a multi-tenant feature to create fully isolated instances in your Cribl.Cloud Organization, while maintaining the benefits of centralized management and administration. This means you can choose to unify your billing and permissions across workspaces, yet maintain different data privacy and compliance requirements as each Workspace offers a dedicated virtual public cloud (VPC) that acts as a separate environment within your Organization. Available to Cribl.Cloud Enterprise users through our opt-in experience, Workspaces allows you to enjoy the flexibility to choose how to use and provision your Cribl products throughout your business to meet your varying security and data strategy demands without the hassle of siloed administration.

How to Use Your Power
In Cribl fashion, we want to empower you with choice, control, and flexibility across your data management strategy and how you use our products and their features is completely up to you. That being said, here are some common use cases we see with Workspaces.
You can simplify development to production workflows with the ability to create dedicated environments for development, staging, and production without the hassle of separate administration. You can now keep your peace of mind to configure and experiment without concerns of creating issues that will impact the business.
Workspaces are perfect for managing multiple customers, making them a great fit for MSSPs, MDRs, or other Cribl service providers. You can efficiently and securely manage various customers under one unified organization by deploying individual workspaces for each client to keep their environments isolated and meet their unique requirements for data privacy, security, and resource allocations. Combined with the power of Cribl Packs, you can easily scale your business to transfer your Cribl configurations and distribute your one-of-a-kind offerings to new customers.
With the power of multi-tenancy, you can easily meet differing regional or department requirements. Workspaces can be used to address the individual security standards, privacy requirements, and data processing needs of different teams or regions throughout your enterprise, while having a single pane of glass for seamless cross-organization management.

How to Access Your Power
Now, here is how to add more than the default ‘Main’ workspace
Login to your Cribl.Cloud organization
Click the “Try the new Cribl.Cloud” button on the top right (Workspaces is only available through this new opt-in UI) but keep in mind you must be an Organization Owner or Admin to opt-in
Add a new Workspace and create a Custom URL
Name: You can choose your Workspace name and it will allow for your URL to be custom to your need
Description: You can provide a handy description for that specific Workspace
Tags: You can add up to 3 tags that will help in managing multiple Workspaces and searching for them

User Management: You can use all of Cribl’s typical user management functions for Workspaces including centrally managing users and granting them access to specific workspaces, restricting their access to a specific product within a Workspace, or making bulk permissions changes. For resource management, you can also flexibly manage provisioning Work Groups within their Workspaces.
Configurations: Whether you need to set up your access, data sources, trust, or ACLs, you can easily do so by navigating within the Workspace setting as indicated.

Managing Worker Groups: The easiest way to get started with managing your Worker Groups is through the already familiar cloud-specific feature of provisioning your Worker Groups at will. This feature provides you the option to process your data at any ingest rest depending on whether you want to ingest larger data seasonally or have specific cost management requirements.

Deleting Workspaces: Another great feature of Workspaces is that they can be deleted whenever you don’t need them, providing you the choice to only pay for what you use to run a short-term project, support seasonal use cases, or flexibly scale and remove Workspaces as needed. And yes, you can delete the default ‘Main’ Workspace too so you don’t incur any costs in an Organization when you are running experiments and want an instance to be available for a specific timeframe.
Use All the Powers of the Whole Cribl Product Suite
Within the Workspace, you may choose to use any or all of our products to meet your data needs whether it’s storing with Cribl Lake, routing and enriching with Cribl Stream, discovering and collecting through Cribl Edge, or finding and analyzing through Cribl Search. As a benefit of Cribl.Cloud, you can immediately access the full suite of Cribl products within the Workspace.
Even More Power Coming Soon
We are working to quickly expand Workspaces to give you even greater power with multi-tenancy. Currently, you can only create up to 5 Workspaces, but it will be unlimited in the future. Our team is also heads down on making sure you can clone and migrate configurations between Workspaces. In addition, we will be offering more granular billing and credit management, multi-region and multi-cloud management support, and a granular authorization model.
Now, let’s see what you can do with this power! Make sure to check out the release notes for more details and try out Workspaces today in our new opt-in UI experience.