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Cribl Search

Discover, Refine, Display, Export
Cribl Data Engine Search


Search your data in place. Find what's important to you.

Cribl Search delivers next generation search-in-place technology, empowering users to explore, discover, and analyze data that was previously impossible – directly at its source, across any cloud, even data locked behind APIs. Effortlessly search your Cribl Lake or sift through data in the major object stores like AWS S3, Amazon Security Lake, Azure Blob, and Google Cloud Storage, and enrich your insights by querying dozens of live API endpoints from various SaaS providers. The power of Cribl Search lies in its strategic approach: forward only the critical data to your systems of analysis, thus avoiding the cost of expensive storage.


Feature highlights


Easily bring the outside in

Quickly and easily integrate external data to enhance your analysis and gain more insights. Streamline your analysis process by eliminating manual searching for additional data sources to enrich your events.
  • Use Lookups to enrich your events
  • Use Joins to merge data coming from different dataset providers


Look before you leap

Datasets are addressable sets of data you define for querying. This could include a cloud provider like AWS, Azure, or Google, an API endpoint like Okta, Zoom, or Google Workspace, or even Edge node data you can target for a query. Cribl makes it easy to get started:
  • Click on any dataset and instantly start a search
  • History and save options retain previous and common searches


Query without the weary

Cribl Search enables administrators with a single search tool to query all their IT and security data, without having to first collect it:
  • Search for any terms, patterns, value/pairs
  • Search for any data type
  • Search anywhere you can reach


Actually see what you’re doing

Visualize your results with customizable dashboards and charting tools.
  • Filter, summarize, and manipulate how your results are plotted and displayed
  • Multiple settings to display results by fields, tables, charts, and colorization
  • Shape results without re-executing the search
  • Export and share data or dashboards


Easily send your query results out for analysis

  • One click forwarding, no complex configuration
  • Shape / Process results to any format
  • Route Search results to any destination


Let it collect and analyze your data. Automatically.

  • Optimize monitoring and workflows
  • Send notifications based on the evaluation of search results
  • Aggregate data over time to compare results and identify anomalies



0 %

Reduction in MTTD

(from 24 hrs to 1.5hrs)

Incident Response team needed to recover a specific dataset, existing vendor said 24hrs to rehydrate all 26 TB of data. Cribl Search was able to query data in storage, retrieving only the specific dataset (50k events).

Multinational News & Media Corporation


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