
Cribl Named One of The Silicon Review’s 50 Smartest Companies of 2021

50 Smartest Companies of the Year 2021 Listing


Founded in 2017, No origin story of Cribl can start anywhere but at Splunk, the popular technology company. Clint Sharp (CEO and Co-founder of Cribl) met both of the other two Cribl co-founders – Ledion Bitincka and Dritan Bitincka at Splunk. As Ledion, Dritan, and Clint worked with dozens of enterprises through 2017 and into early 2018, it became clear that logging was still an incredible pain point. And once outside of Splunk, a clearer view of the market began to emerge for the co-founders. Customers valued their existing tooling. Some had hundreds of trained users who were logging in regularly to troubleshoot in Splunk or Kibana, and many had dozens of distinct departmental workspaces that had rich role-based access to many internal dashboards. Customers had deep investments in their existing tools. But the Cribl co-founders wanted to deliver a fit-for-purpose solution and meet customers where they were at and support all their existing agents and collectors. Hence they floated Cribl.

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