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Instrument, Collect, Observe
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CEO Clint Sharp at Monitorama PDX 2022: Universal Observability Requires Universal Instrumentation

Eye-opening observability for operations and security teams

By and for operations and security teams versus development teams, AppScope aims to give operators the visibility they need into application behavior, metrics and, events. There’s no need to ask developers to re-instrument code, no need to append side cars or log shippers; with AppScope just add scope to any Linux binary and you’ll start seeing the telemetry you need, in open formats, ready to Stream into your existing log and metric tools for downstream troubleshooting, alerting, and reporting.

Who should use AppScope?


On-Demand, No-Code Instrumentation

Go where the living is easy

  • Simple installation with K8S
  • Consistent experience and visibility across runtimes
  • Provides observability of a proxy/service mesh, without the latency of a sidecar
  • Scopes any Linux binary by simply prepending scope
  • Collects application logs with zero configuration, no separate log agent necessary

Get telemetry that’s almost telepathy

  • Automatically collects metrics about application performance
  • Full payload visibility including into encrypted payloads
  • Automatically collects log data written by the application
  • Immediately see robust application behavior metrics and events

Pick any platform.
Yes, even that one.

  • Works with all Linux apps and is language agnostic
  • Emits APM-like metric and event data, in open formats, to existing log and metric tools
  • Sends data as logs and metrics to existing tools

Launch an
AppScope Sandbox.

Launch AppScope in a cloud sandbox to try it today.

In this episode of the Stream Life Podcast,  Abby and Clint are together again to give us an update on a brand-new adventure for Cribl – our first open-source log collector project called AppScope. Another first-principles-based innovation here at Cribl. AppScope is effectively a black box view into any Linux binary.

What You’ll Learn:

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