‘THE MORE THE MERRIER!’ they say. A quick Google search of this popular phrase states that the more people or things there are, the better or more enjoyable a situation will be. That’s spot on with what we’ve just released with Cribl.Cloud — allowing for more Cloud Worker Groups, more users with owner-role privileges, and more secure access to drive product by code with APIs — all ultimately make for a better, more enjoyable, more manageable, Cribl.Cloud experience.
Multiple Worker Groups
A Worker Group is a set of worker nodes that share the same configuration. This means that data sent to any of the nodes will be processed the same way. How you carve up your workloads into worker groups is really specific to your needs, workloads, and constraints. Prior to this release, there could only be one worker group which was the default. This came with a fixed infrastructure size, and any change required a support call.
That won’t be the case anymore. Now, you’ll be able to scale worker groups instantly, without the wait. With just two clicks, you can segment data loads that are different in configurations and processing requirements, and isolate data into different Cloud Worker Groups. For instance, on Black Friday, you may know that data volumes will spike, and having a dedicated Worker Group to instantly scale up and down is going to make your job so much easier.
Being able to create multiple Worker Groups means data can be isolated in a way so that different teams can support their different use cases, and are able to only work with the dedicated source of data that’s relevant to their job. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, noisy neighbor isolation, and of course, what Cribl is best known for — control over your data.
Currently, Multiple Worker Groups are available to all customers through Early Access. If you want to be one of the first to start using this feature, make sure you have an Enterprise account and reach out to your dedicated SE or support person at Cribl, they’ll help turn it on in your org. Multiple Worker Groups will be available to all customers in June 2023.

Easily create new Cloud Worker Groups without having to contact Support
Multiple Owners
More owners are definitely merrier in a Cribl.Cloud organization. Owners have big responsibilities. They can manage certain settings for the organization. They can invite new users, assign roles to new and existing users, and remove pending invites. They also have read/write permissions across all products, as well as access to billing and commerce information.
Having the flexibility to add more than one Owner means no more being dependent on just one user to perform all Owner duties. By spreading the power, organizations get greater management flexibility, can speed up processes and new user onboarding, and prevent bottlenecks and delays with backup Owner support. This encourages more agile work and ensures organizations are able to quickly respond to new requests.

Quickly assign multiple users with Owner-role privileges
If you’re hoping to add more Owners to your organization, make sure you’re using an Enterprise account. Almost forgot the best part — there are no restrictions to how many Owners there can be in an org — so truly, the more Owners, the merrier!
API Access Token Management
We know developers and admins want to securely drive products through code using APIs. But managing API keys can be a challenge, especially when they expire in a short period of time. This is why we’re excited to roll out this new feature, API Access Token Management, so you enjoy a longer period of access when accessing Cribl Stream and Edge APIs. It provides you with an access token — a client ID and secret pair — that doesn’t expire and can be used to automate and scale the creation of API keys.
This new feature makes it easier to manage, delete, revoke, and pause access tokens, giving granular controls on API keys. Not only do the API keys generated not expire in a short period of time, but they are more secure through backend Identity Provider (IdP) support. So you can be rest assured that the API keys are protected and secure, and you can focus your energy on running Cribl products with confidence.
We’ve simplified the process of driving products by code using long-standing API keys, and can’t wait for you to try this new feature and experience the easier management, tracking, and monitoring of API access tokens.

Securely manage API access tokens

Get 1TB/day for Free With Cribl.Cloud!
Cribl.Cloud is the fastest and easiest way to start using Cribl products in the cloud. Get started with a free Cribl.Cloud account and use up to 1TB/day at no cost. Nothing to install, no infrastructure to manage, no license required, and no payment collected. You can also access Cribl.Cloud through the AWS Marketplace!